Brian Mahieu's Hemerocallis Creations

Brian Mahieu is an artist who works in both pigments and pollen. This is a photo of one of his daylily creations, 'ORCHID GARDENS'. A medium raspberry purple bloom on 42-inch scapes, it is a cascade unusual form. The flowers are huge, but due to the pronounced recurve, they only measure 7 inches. It also has a bluish halo and a watermarked throat of lemon to chartreuse. Brian's flowers are unique in several ways. They are not simply a group of cookie-cutter flowers as is seen in a number of hybridizers' collections today. Color and form are very special, as is plant habit. All of his plants are diploids with the exception of 'ROZAVELLIAN KRAKEN', and they are either dormant of semi-evergreen in their foliage. All are extremely hardy and will do well in Zones 5 and 6. I'll discuss others in future posts.
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